Keakie Music

Discover new music,
like never before

Keakie is a streaming platform for mixes, podcasts and radio shows. It’s a new way of doing things.

We got tired of skipping through playlists, so we created a destination for top quality music put together by a global community of DJs and storytellers.

Our platform includes familiar favourites alongside cutting-edge sounds equals true discovery. We offer the most diverse range of genres, represent the underrepresented and elevate sounds that need to be heard.

Our expert curators hand pick the very best of their scene. The more you listen, the better Keakie understands your tastes - so you’ll never run out of music you’ll love.

Enjoy the best that global music has to offer, whether that’s a specific sound, local scene or your familiar favourites.

Experience the sounds of Keakie here.

